The Creativity, Education, and Leadership Newsletter
The Creativity, Education, and Leadership Podcast with Ben Guest
56. I would rather lose a game than lose a kid…

56. I would rather lose a game than lose a kid…

Positive Coaching Mini-Series (Episode 2 of 4): Dr. Greg Sullivan, Director of the Positive Coaching M.ED Program at the University of Missouri

Coaches mistake motivation for control.

Dr. Greg Sullivan

Greg Sullivan (@GSSphd) is the Director of the Mizzou Positive Coaching and Athletic Leadership Program (@CoachingMizzou). In today’s conversation we talk:

-Coaches are more caught than taught.

-How do we bridge the gap between theory and practice?

-Athletes (and everyone) need three things in place to have their psychological needs met:

  1. Autonomy

  2. Improvement

  3. Belonging

-Love is a verb.

-Coaches should write their own eulogies: What do you want your players to say about you?

-The way you practice is the way you play and the way you play is the way you live…

-There are certain things you can control and certain things you can’t. Coach during practice and then trust your players.

Podcast Links: Apple/Spotify

If you are interested in these topics you will likely enjoy my book Zen and the Art of Coaching Basketball: Memoir of a Namibian Odyssey.

The Creativity, Education, and Leadership Newsletter
The Creativity, Education, and Leadership Podcast with Ben Guest
Conversations about creativity, education, and leadership.