The Creativity, Education, and Leadership Newsletter
The Creativity, Education, and Leadership Podcast with Ben Guest
51. You have no idea how expensive it is to look this cheap...

51. You have no idea how expensive it is to look this cheap...

Interview with journalist Kent Babb

Podcast Links: Apple/Spotify

I wrote this book four times… This is my shot.

Kent Babb has written what I think is the best book of the year, Across the River: Life, Death, and Football in an American City. It sounds like vegetables, and the book examines the weightiest issues in America, but reading it is all dessert as Kent is a master storyteller.

In this conversation, Kent and I discuss:

-“You have to find your Alfred.”

-“If you’re going to tell this story, you have to tell it straight up.”

-“I owed them an honest accounting.”

-“You look like the people who locked me up.”

-First draft is a shit draft. Second draft is the biggest leap. Third draft is micro-surgery.

-Word choice, or what Kent calls, “Writing Nerd Prom.”

-The difference between accuracy and precision. Accuracy is hitting the target. Precision is hitting the bullseye.

-Finding ways to read your manuscript fresh.

-Writing process and honesty.

-“There are so many Joe Thomas’ and so few Bryce Browns.”

-Coaching, trust, communication and investment in helping young people.

-Trent Dilfer and the “obedience model” of coaching.

-Book promotion is necessary but difficult.

-”It’s a social justice book that has some football shit in it.”

The Creativity, Education, and Leadership Newsletter
The Creativity, Education, and Leadership Podcast with Ben Guest
Conversations about creativity, education, and leadership.