The Creativity, Education, and Leadership Newsletter
The Creativity, Education, and Leadership Podcast with Ben Guest
25. Classroom Management (and the Best Ben & Jerry's Flavors)

25. Classroom Management (and the Best Ben & Jerry's Flavors)

A Conversation with Author and Educator Gary Rubenstein

There’s a lot of things wrong but they’re not going to be fixed by charter schools…

Gary Rubenstein is an author and educator. He has written a number of outstanding books, including two books on classroom management.

In this conversation we talk education in America, the reform movement, classroom management, and the best ice cream to get from Ben and Jerry’s.

You can read Gary’s blog here and follow Gary on Twitter here.

Archive of previous podcasts here.

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  1. Open the Podcasts app.

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The Creativity, Education, and Leadership Newsletter
The Creativity, Education, and Leadership Podcast with Ben Guest
Conversations about creativity, education, and leadership.